Nursing home vs hospital


I recently obtianed my STNA license and worked at a nursing home very close to my house. Well@ i was there for maybe 3 months and i quite. Working conditions were aweful. They would leave me alone with no nurse and no other aid with 23 residents and 16 check and changes. I made 21.50 working 12 hour night shifts. I quite. I got another nursing home job immediately after. Same pay roughly plus some bonuses so im at like 22 or 23 an hour. 3 12 hour shifts. 30 minutes from my house. Well a month ago i applied to be PCNA at UH HOSPITALS..3 minutes from my house. I start lpn program in life goal has always been to get into a hospital. I know how difficult it is to get into one especially an inner city hospital. Its a small town but a decent sized hospital and i want my specialtyto be in labor in deliveryafter i get my lpn certificate. I was extended the offer today and im literally shaking that I got the position. However the base pay is only 18 an hour but the hiring manager told me that that unit does offer its own incentives. So, ive never ever working in a hospital its what i want to do in the long run its 3 minutes from my house but the pay is lower but could be about the same depending on what the unit itself offers. I accepted the offer because ive always wanted to work in a hospital. But accepting a.lower base pay too. Whats the pros and cons? Does working in a hospital work out better? Does the pay get better?