Help 😭

Laura 🌈💖🌻

Sorry for the essay….

At my last scan i measured 6 weeks but was also I diagnosed with a Subchorionic Hemorrhage and told if I see any bleeding not to worry. At first I didn’t worry when I started to spot but the bleeding got so bad and intense I’ve been positive I’m going through miscarriage, it’s been horrific! Severe cramping and contractions lasting hours at a time and so much blood and clots. This lasted 2 weeks and I stopped bleeding and all pain 2 days ago….

Fast forward to today - I went for a confirmation scan expecting to be told I’ve passed everything and my uterus is empty - however I’ve been left in no man’s land as the can’t confirm it’s gone as there is so much blood at the top of my uterus. I was told to hold my breath and keep really still as she could see something there, looks like the sac and baby but smaller than it should be except it’s just so hard to see due to blood.

She said with this amount of blood it’s hard to pick up the heartbeat or measure as it’s surrounded with blood so they can’t confirm if I’ve lost it and just not passed it properly yet and they can’t confirm if it’s still there and alive…..

I have to wait another week for a further scan to see if there is growth 😩😭

Anyone with advice or knowledge on this please help me I’m an emotional wreck right now I just don’t understand