Conception date to figure out how far I am!?


Hello all, I know my conception date as we did an at home insemination like we did with baby #1. So we only had sex on the day I was ovulating. Because I have PCOS, I have irregular periods. If I were to calculate how far along I am, what would that be for the pros on here? Lol conception date was 1/23/23. Today is 2/26/23. And then due date. So many websites only go by First date of last period. And then some conception calculations are all different. Someone wrote that you can kind of "fake your last first date of period" by going 2 weeks before your conception date. And another wrote to go off your "fake missed period date" meaning 2 weeks from conception date and I'd be 2 weeks on that date, ie on 2/6/23 I was 2 weeks and would be 5 weeks tomorrow. What do we all think?