Can my GP prescribe Metformin?

Hey ladies 😊 I’m FINALLY getting my diagnosis of pcos after 10 years of being fobbed off.

Testorone is high and i had the vaginal ultrasound showed both my ovaries covered in cysts. Radiographer has sent reports back to my gp so now just a waiting game.

Im just curious how the process works in the UK , or even more specially Northern Ireland. . most of the posts I see are American lol. We’ve been ttc for 6 years now and had all the tests done 4 years ago and ended up being discharged from the fertility clinic because of my bmi 🙈 im feeling so relieved that we’re finally getting somewhere but as im approaching 30 I feel so robbed of time, if they’d listened to me soon maybe I’d be a mummy already 🥹🥹

I’m currently taking the conceive plus fertility bundle which contains myo- inositol and several other vitamins , any tips or advice is so appreciated

Baby dust to all 💖