
L • 26, due with 🌈👶🏻 August 7th

So I am 6dp5dt. I’ve been taking the cheap $1 Walmart pregnancy tests and they’ve been negative. I refuse to try FRER since last <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> cycle I kept getting indent lines and got my hopes up for a failed cycle.

I’ve had cramping, only the cramping feels different from normal. It feels like period cramps but also feels like my abs are sore despite doing no new workouts. I’ve also noticed a huge increase in appetite paired with almost constant nausea. I’ve been extremely exhausted as well but that could be cause by the progesterone shots.

Anyone will all these symptoms but negative pregnancy tests at 6dp5dt (11dpo) but still ended up pregnant?