6 weeks early and perfect!


I went in to the doctor on 1/25/23 for an ultrasound. This was my first pregnancy and we had not had any complications. I got really short of breath and dizzy during the ultrasound and my BP was 136/100. I got sent for lab work. I got a call the next morning that my liver levels were elevated and that I needed to come in for a stress test. I was sent to L&D for observation and was admitted and placed on a magnesium drip with plans to induce at midnight. With the magnesium I was not allowed out of bed so I also had a catheter inserted. At midnight we started cervadil and I was given 3 doses over 12 hours. I was dilated to 1 so a balloon catheter was inserted after 3 tries. The catheter stayed in for 12 hours and when removed I was dilated to 5. We started pitocin and after about 3 hours I decided to get an epidural. After 24 hours on pitocin I didn’t progress past 5 so on 1/29/23 Ryver Blake was born via C-section. I was still on the magnesium and stuck in bed so I wasn’t able to see my baby until 24 hours after birth as he was taken to the NICU. He spent almost 2 weeks in the hospital before coming home. Although birth went nothing like I planned I am so in love with this little boy 💙