Lost and Broken


I’ve been struggling with depression. I’ve had a tough life but after our last child my self esteem really took a hit. I gained weight and I don’t feel myself anymore.

I noticed the last couple months my husband has pulled away. I used to visit him during the day for work or he used to come home at lunch. And not sometimes, everyday. All of a sudden he stopped. Barely texts me and tells me not to visit unannounced. He then started saying some mean things about how I let myself go. And hiding his phone, changing his passwords. We’ve been together 15 years and we’ve always been an open book…… I flat out asked him if he was talking to other women or anything and he said no. I know he was messaging my best friend which is unusual.

Yesterday it was brought to my attention that he was having some sort of relationship with a coworker of his. She’s pretty she’s exciting. He’s been seen going out for an hour over his lunch time with her in her vehicle. There’s other rumours about them and I’m not sure how far this relationship has gone.

I brought this up to him last night. I messaged her and told her to keep her distance from my husband. He insists they are only friends. He flew off the Handle and got mad at me for contacting her. Called me an insecure bitch among other things. He says he kept it a secret because he knew I would be mad. I said that makes it even worse. He says I’m over reacting. But I have the worse feeling in the world. He’s my everything the only person I have in the world besides our children. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know if I can live with out him but I don’t think I can shut my mouth and let him do this. Advice please.