Husband’s Family Invades Our Space


I could be completely wrong, but I feel like my Husband’s family, doesn’t understand boundaries. Maybe I haven’t grown up from a particularly tight knit family so I find their behavior to be strange, but my husband will get 2-3 phone calls a day from his mom just to know what we’re up to, and also spread around information regarding what’s going on with her other children or any “talk of the town” They will engage in Group FaceTime calls at least every other day. And my husband has on multiple occasions made plans with his sisters without first involving me. This most recent one involves his sister bringing over her son and daughter and husband for Spring Break in May. Husband and I are planning our next round of <a href="">IVF</a>. Instead of focusing on this for us, he is now having to focus on planning this week long trip for when his Sister is going to come over from Canada, and I’m emotionally at wits end with how this always happens. I feel like I have to take a back seat always and his sisters requests take center stage. The first time this happened was when they planned this party in Canada, my husband dragged me there when I had just recovered from a terrible infection that hospitalized me and I had to undergo a few procedures for. The second time was his sister wanting to go to Florida, and husband didn’t even tell me about it. I am always last to know because his sisters talk him into their plans. Now his sister threw on to my husband this week long spring break she wants to do and Hubby is full on planning to do Vegas and Disneyland, the only thing I can think of is A. Don’t go along with this and stay at my parents because I don’t want to get stressed out from his sister (Florida trip left me feeling stressed and angry towards his sister one upping me in anything I said or did, got on my last nerve, I went on vacation to enjoy, not a competition!) or B. Go, and try to stay as zen as possible. I already told hubby I won’t join them for Disneyland, and he was like okay, then I won’t go either. Which surprised me. Because he doesn’t usually support me in such a big way. And then 2 seconds later he goes will you be upset if I go with them? And I replied absolutely no, go if you want. And he said okay, I’ll go with them to help them navigate Disneyland. And at first that didn’t bother me. But like I mentioned, I’m not sure if there’s something wrong with me, but the fact we’ll be going through our second attempt at <a href="">IVF</a>, especially after the first we failed…I just feel like his family, especially his sisters need to back off and give us, if not us, ME space! Stop making these plans that impede on our <a href="">IVF</a> schedule. I already told my husband that if your sister is coming, we’ll postpone our <a href="">IVF</a> transfer. And all he said was “we’ll see about the transfer, we’ll make it work.” I don’t want to be sitting back seat while this tremendous moment is taking place in my body, whether I fail or get a positive, I want my husband’s full attention and support :( Am I being unreasonable? Am I right to feel frustrated? Am I crazy or are his sisters overstepping boundaries with me? Or is this completely normal and healthy in families?