Birth story of baby boy! 💙


So on January 8th I started feeling somewhat painful period cramps like pains at 10:30 p.m

It was my first pregnancy that lasted over 7 weeks so I had no clue what to expect for labor. I thought they could just be Braxton Hicks if anything lol.

So they gradually got more painful but not like unbearable I could still walk and talk just fine. I thought I may be going to the hospital too soon because I don't know how to time contractions and I wasn't screaming or in unbearable pain. But around 3:00 a.m I got my mom and boyfriend up and said I wanted to go to hospital they were pretty painful at this point like it hurt to sit down.

My mom got in the shower and we went to the hospital and got there and at 4:30 a.m on January 9th I was checked in and in a room. At that point they checked my cervix and I was at 4 cm dilated with bulging waters is what the nurse said. At that point when a contraction came I was shaking uncontrollably but breathing through the contractions so I asked for the epidural which I got. It was great I couldn't feel any pain.

Then they used the peanut ball and I felt like I really had to poop at around 5:50 am they checked me again and I was at 6 cm dilated fully effaced they said when my water breaks were having a baby. By 6:30 a.m the pressure to poop was worse and my water broke so they checked me again and it was time to push.

So on January 9th at 7:11 a.m I had my beautiful baby boy Lukas Michael. Then I got breakfast lol. My mom said that was the fastest labor and delivery she's ever seen I told her I'll remember the contractions and my mom said that it doesn't count because it went so fast and that I don't know what real labor is like 😅.

This last picture is him at 6 weeks old 💙🥰😍