How do I get my partner to start taking care of himself?

I’m extremely concerned for my partners wellbeing and honestly don’t know how to help him anymore. We’ve been together for 7 years and things have just gotten so overwhelming for me since having our son. I’ve spent a lot of time making sure I do everything right for my partner and trying to help him be happier but it’s honestly becoming too much for me to deal with. I’m caring for our son all day and night and my partner and now I don’t get time for myself anymore and my needs are never priority.

Just some examples of what I mean, if I don’t cook lunch or dinner he doesn’t eat. When he goes to work he doesn’t eat at all because he doesn’t make himself anything, he drinks about 5-7 energy drinks a day and not a single bit of water. If he needs his work clothes washed and I’m busy with our son or at work I have to continuously remind him to wash them or he leaves them till the very last minute or forgets. I’m constantly having to remind him to do things. He doesn’t do things around the house. So I’m having to do all the housework, mow the lawns, get groceries etc. he has zero motivation to do anything at all and says he’s tired all the time but spends hours upon hours playing games so he gets little sleep. So most of the time when he’s not working he naps during the day for hours so I get no help with our son. I don’t sleep a great deal because our son is up several times a night but my partner rarely helps with letting me sleep in.

I understand that he is depressed, but this has been going on for so long and he’s not doing anything to improve and I worry that he is just trying to end his life with the way he treats his body.

This is probably just more of a rant and way to get this feeling off my chest but if anyone has any advice that would be great.