My son is one month today


Hey guys my name is Toni, I’m 25 and had my first child a month ago

I started contraction at 4:30am and I went to the hospital at 12:30pm to see if I was in active labour when I got there I was 4cm dilated.

I planned a water birth as it would help smooth the pain during birth but it didn’t go as planned as my midwife did one more check up on me at 2:35pm to see how much I was dilated and was shocked that I was 8cm, I was busting to go to the toilet so I went and done my business went to walk to the door and my water broke, my midwife went to finish’s off the last check up and said the baby head is crowning you need to push.

Did ask why wasn’t I getting in the water and she said because my water broke out of the bath and the baby could swallow the water and drown so had my baby natural birth.

4 big pushes and my baby was born at 2:48pm on the 4/2/23 he was 8 days early but he was healthy I did have complication on my end with a rip in my cervix and got rush in to theatre to be stitched up lost a litre of blood but was in good hands with all the midwife’s and doctors got to go home the next two days