Need opinions please!!


Hello everyone!

My period ended 2 days ago and I woke up this morning with a dull and achy pain pain going across my abdomen, wrapped around my left side and up my back. My back feels like I did an extreme workout yesterday bc of how sore/achy it feels. I have a history of ovarian cysts but I know bursting usually happens halfway through your cycle. I took 2 Motrin and nothing. I also bled enough to almost fill a light pad but then nothing since. I went to my gyno today- pelvic was normal, urine was normal, and I got a sono done which everything was normal but my dr said something about having a little bit of fluid in my abdomen and the pain is probably from a follicle that burst from my ovary. Has anyone else experienced this? The only solution that was given to me was birth control. I still feel like I have no definite answers and I’m still in pain. Thank you!!