Delayed trauma to sex

Is delayed trauma response a thing when it comes to sexual trauma of any kind? I believe I’m dealing with some level of it in my marriage. I’ve felt like I’ve been sexually coerced by my spouse multiple times (guilt tripping, begging, pressuring, pushing himself onto me so I’d give in finally). I’ve had some time and space to realize some hard truths about my relationship, and it’s also in a way unearthed feelings I’ve ignored. Almost like I’m now suddenly feeling the trauma of it all. He’s been away for work for a few months now, and I seriously can’t bring myself to having sex with him again because of it. I used to be able to. Maybe because I’d just disassociate and I was used to it, but now I enjoy my bodily autonomy and peace way too much. It almost makes the idea of going back so much harder. We’d have some of the worst argument sometimes. Involving him yelling at me constantly and telling me I deserved his screaming. He’d never come back to change, but only to apologize to get back into my good graces (regain access to sex, affection, my services, etc.) it was never sincere. Has anyone here dealt with delayed trauma/realizations such as this in a relationship?