I have these tests and have been getting such bad evap lines, it’s not even funny. I would wait and retest, I am 7 DPO today and tested too and looked like that- but my texts the past 5 days have looked like that. (I wasn’t quite sure when I ovulated so I texted early a few times and thought there was a line.. there wasn’t. Just indent/evap) so I am just going off the latest day possible. Which would make me 7 DPO, and my test looked exactly like this. We aren’t out this month just quite though so we can still hold hope! Also, I had a faint line 7DPO my last 2 pregnancies, so it’s not uncommon to get a test pos that early. But that doesn’t mean if you don’t get one 7 DPO then you’re not pregnant, you could’ve implanted later!! 💕