Potty shot tech said " i didnt see a penis so probably girl" hubby not convinced


Had my anatomy scan today at 18w6d when asking about gender tech said in a very unconvincing tone "well i didnt see a penis so probably a girl" but he didnt even offer to tell us until I asked. He didnt show me any potty shots or anything reassuring us but to be fair baby was facing downwards majority of the scan. Hubby snagged a video even though he wasnt supposed too lol. All I could get from it was a few screen shots kinda blurry. At most times im seeing a girl but then i start to second guess myself. Hubby says he saw penis and balls but even though tech wasnt super convincing im inclined to believe the tech whos seen more ultrasounds then hubby lol. With my son the tech said "see his thing?" And pointed it out i personally saw nothing but hubby says he saw it. Wasnt until 30 week ultrasound i was absolutely sure he was a boy there was no question lol. I have to go back in a week to get face pictures because tech said he didnt get good ones i guess so ill re ask then but figured id ask some mamas here what they think lol

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