Am I really hard to date?

I’ve been dating a guy for 2 months, he’s a busy guy with 3 jobs.

Today he face timed me and I was still in pijamas. It was 1pm. He asks me if I’m hungry so we can go get food together.

I said yes I’m down but I have to shower and change. He’s like “ugh nvm it just ruined my mood” I told him “just give me 30 minutes…” he rolled his eyes and kept saying no nevermind forget it

He rants how he isn’t even dressed and ready. I was in pijamas. He says no never mind. I wasn’t going to get super ready just change and do my hair

He then says if I’m down to go on a road trip with him. I said yea I’ll just ask my mom. I mean I live her and need to just let her know so she isn’t worried for me…

I live with my parents still and he lives on his own. He then rants about how I’m not really independent. I ask him why?? He said that he’s on his own and he just gets up and does things last minute. But for me I still have to ask for permission.

3 hours later I saw him he asks me if I still want to get pizza. I told him I thought he said I ruined it….he says nevermind just do your things whatever and he’s giving me odd attitude

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