Been told Different diagnosis. PLEASE HELP!


On feb 14th I tested positive for Trich & “bv” after an encounter with a new partner. Took my meds & was feeling fine expect my doctor told me at my 2 weeks follow up that I had a little bit of yeast due to the antibiotics. She said I can wait to see if it goes away or take the meds she prescribed. I decided to wait since I didn't feel any symptoms & neither did it progress. Fast forward, on Thursday I noticed an increase in my discharge but nothing crazy, l'm just hyper aware of my body. I noticed it was really thick & creamy with slight specs of yellow but mostly white. There's no scent whatsoever. Went to the urgent care & they diagnosed me with BV. I didn't feel confident in the diagnosis because I've had bv years before and the scent and discharge where HORRIBLE with bv. So, I went in for a second opinion & they diagnosed me with a yeast infection. Needless to say I'm more confused than ever!!

What are your thoughts on what this can be based off the pics?