Relationship Advice


So me and my bf were doing apartment tours, all were fine until the last one (which included a male guide). Personally I believe the tour guide was being really personable, but it could have probably been the fact the other female guides didn’t care or tried to rush things. We walked to the first unit as he told us about the property’s history and management and reconstructing of the apartments. We seen one closet of a nice size and I said a certain portion would be mine and the smaller one would be his but the second closet was a his and hers so when stating I liked that one. The man proceeds to say “oh but she liked the other one tho, she said that one was hers” I chuckled. Then we get to the bathroom and he says a lot of people like that bathroom because of the window “when you done sprayed the air freshener you can open so it won’t still smell like ‘SHITrus’ (aka citrus)” and really that’s the only time he can say I actually laughed. When we were in the kitchen he offered snacks and beverages from the fridge, my bf declined and I was hesitant but took a capri sun. Back at the office we started speaking about the bills. I noticed the water bill said varies, and correct me if I am wrong, water bills can either be paid by one unit or it’s split amongst the residents in a building, or by the whole complex. So I asked what the varies actually meant. The man never told us the price, so when he was handing us floorplans for the apartment I asked for the rent of the model we were shown he stated we’d have to look online because their internet was down. The whole tour since we entered the office he’d had an attitude, but I’m assuming it was the wait time and the fact the man was more feminine than most due to the fact he doesn’t agree with the LGBTQ. Once we got into the car the whole situation blew up. I became too friendly, I’m just a freak, and etc. so after the argument the car ride home was silent and he ignored me for the rest of the evening until he went out with a friend. He say I was ignoring him but what did I have to say if he wasn’t even talking to me!? We’ve been up since 8 that morning, and when we got home I still cleaned up while he finished movies, played his game, and took a nap! We’re currently at my moms house so he doesn’t have a key, and I had to wait up to open the door. Even once my head hit the pillow I watched movies until I could barely keep my eyes open, I texted him asking when he was gon be back and turned my ringer on so I can be notified when he texted back or if he called. Early this morning he calls me telling me to open the door. Turns out he texted me back 10 minutes after I texted him last night and called me a couple of times like 10 minutes after, saying he was outside. After those couple of calls at 1 something in the morning, he didn’t call me for those same hours cause he “didn’t even want to speak to me.” But of course “I was up and ignoring his calls” and I’m dead to him for having him out in the cold for hours until this morning. When I told him that I was extremely tired and the precautions I tried to take to avoid this situation it was still a problem. He expected me to play mad and strictly business looking at one last apartment when that wasn’t the vibe for the others. He expected me to call and check on him last night, and to be up to unlock the door. Now if I’m in the wrong about something, please let me know because I don’t see anything wrong in my actions.