

So I had my baby in January got diagnosed with postpartum depression at 4 weeks was able to have dr extend my leave from work for 2 more weeks. Returned to work at 6 weeks and received my first ever Depo shot on the 8th week. I was prescribed an antidepressant and was to scared to take due to anxiety. The 2 weeks that after my shot I was always nagging at my bf and just complains and looking for reasons to fight. On top all this my oldest daughter got Covid then me after and I couldn’t help be upset I couldn’t do what I planned with them. I’m always a moody person I know it’s not good, but I was stressing more n more every day just trying to think of my routine when my bf returned to work. I had already been sleeping on couch due to me just being upset with my bf. Well one day I landed really losing it and it was more so after he said he decided we weren’t together and made this decision for 2 days. I couldn’t help but react I know was not good I do not want to go into much detail but I did land up having to under go a suicide/pysch eval. At which this point couldn’t even try making things work with him. I got trapped next day and he didn’t want anything to do with me. And basically kicked me and kiddos out. I have three children two of which are not his. But he had his family pack all my clothes and send me my car. Count see our son until my bday three days later. He currently hates hearing me talk about anything dealing with our relationship he literally just want to communicate for son. Mind you we have broken up about 3times before due my accusing of other girls. Understandable. But I hate that it got this far to realize I really messed up and he is my home and safe place. Ughhh I try to explain that on top of me being moody already the postpartum and then Depo on top of that had my way out of whack with hormones he just thinks it’s an excuse😮‍💨😢😢😢