Due Date Baby


The details on why are fuzzy, but my doctor sent me to get a growth scan 5 days before my due date and there my Baby boy had an estimated measurement of 8lbs 15 oz. I went back to my OB 2 days later and i still was not effaced or dialated at all. My doctor decided i would need to be induced at 41 weeks or he would run the risk of being too large. Fast forward 2 days to the day before I'm due. My husband and i went to my brother in laws house to have dinner and hangout with his family. We ordered out from our local pizza shop and hung out for a few hours. We get home around 930 pm and all is well. I do my nighttime routine and i'm in bed by 1015. 11pm rolls around and i woke up with gas pain. I got up and successfully went to the bathroom multiple times. I was in so much pain, thinking i ate something bad. There were no waves of pain, or obvious contractions so as a first time mom, i didnt know i was in labor. Its now 1 am on my due date and i woke my husband up begging to take me to the hospital an hour away. I arrived fully dialated and screaming in pain. I pushed for 2 1/2 hours without pain meds (threw up that lovely take out) and baby Boy was not dropping into place. I then got an epidural and pushed for another 2 1/2 hours. Doc had to manually break my water and saw my son pooped in the placenta. Since there was still no progress on getting my baby in the right position, they switched gears and went the C section route. Baby boy was born happy and healthy at 8lbs 4ozs with a 21" head...on his due date!!