Need advice bit of a long one

After my section I have been suffering with numerous complications, from a bad recovery, infected section scar, back problems etc I’ve been with my partner for 7 years this year and basically I’ve noticed I’ve been so lightheaded/faint ever since I had my first period after my daughter which was around 5/6 weeks pp. I’m currently 8 weeks right now, I mentioned to him I was feeling this type of way and basically he plays it off as nothing. I’m diagnosed with hypochondria and health anxiety so I need reassurance now an again. I do feel horrible as he probably doesn’t care or is tired of hearing me moan about all these problems I’ve been having/had.

I’m eating so I don’t think that’s the problem, I know I probably need to drink more but it seems to be an everyday lightheaded, i mentioned to him I might ask my doctor when I see her as I’m going Wednesday for a check up for my scar due to the infection, he told me to not bother them with more of my issues or problems. I am currently suffering with a cold too so I don’t know if that could cause the lightheadedness

Do I mention it to my doctor or not?? I just need advice or opinions