IVF FET transfers


Hi all, looking for some advice!

Back story- Had egg retrieval in Jan with 7 embryos (4 at day 5 and 3 at Day 6) Didn’t have a fresh transfer as hormone levels. First FET was end of Feb- didn’t work, only suggestion was maybe lining wasn’t thick enough (tested earlier maybe at 5mm On ovulation) Focused more on this for 2nd transfer. I didn’t take any medications so did natural cycle just progesterone once ovulated. Ovulation day lining was 6.8mm.

2nd FET was last Monday (9 days ago) tested 7dpt and today both BFN with First Response.

Lots of cramping from day 6 same as last transfer, so I know my period is trying to start just delayed with progesterone pills. Probably will start spotting later. So my question is what to do we do for next transfer?? What are we missing? Our actual diagnosis is unexplained infertility. Fml

I am so over the negative tests and no answers. I am over being depressed and sad all the time about this journey, sick of avoiding friends and family and anything baby related. I am trying to not let it consume me but it’s so hard!

Any inspo would be great x