In laws

My partners in laws are starting to frustrate me. Basically we live 7 hours away from them so obviously with prices we can’t visit all the time and I had a section February so not wanted to travel.

My eldest is 4 and she videochats them most days of the week, I’ve mentioned to my partner it’s hard to settle the baby because my daughter is practically screaming/shouting while on the call with them and they’re doing it back. I’ll tell her nicely please be quiet your sisters trying to sleep, soon as I’ve walked away I can hear them tutting and saying I’m never letting her have fun and no wonder she’s bored. They want me to call them everyday of the week but I refuse sometimes as it’s hard to deal with both girls, my partner does night shift so I’m on my own most morning/afternoon.

Yesterday as well my mil sent a message to my partner while he’s at work asking if I can put on pants instead of wearing nighties as my fil saw a little bit of my thigh/bum as I got up from sitting while my daughter was on a call. I wear nighties as I have an infected section and it airs it out and helps loads plus I swear terribly after having my daughter.

My mil is coming down soon and I’m worried because she takes over a lot of stuff and allows my daughter to get away with most things. I’ll be having a word tonight with my partner because I feel not heard and uncomfortable. Has anyone else had problems with their in laws??? I wanna say something but I’m on the edge