Products for compulsive licking?

I have a very senior dog who is becoming a major compulsive licker the older he gets. He didn't used to lick like this but now he does it nonstop. There are several issues with this:

He licks himself raw if given the opportunity

He no longer sleeps through the night and licks during the night too, waking us up several times a night as he's a LOUD licker

I have mysophonia and this noise is hugely, hugely triggering.

How do I get him to stop? Any product recommendations? He will lick, I'll get him to stop, he will immediately start licking again, I'll get him to stop, he'll stop for a few minutes then start again, etc. I counted and the one time I had to get him to stop 20 times in a mere hour. I get him to stop normally by tapping him, clapping my hands at him, making some other noise to distracting him and when I've really had enough, and this isn't something I'm proud of but when you've been woken up for the fifth time in a night for it, I shout at him.

He was just at the vet not even a month ago for a check up.