

My sweet baby was born 11-18-22 at 12:42 am. By 11-19-22 he had to get flown to a different hospital 5 hours away. I have a very traumatic birth story. They told me he was too big for me to push out but I should give it a try because the doctor said “Iv been wrong before “ they let me push for a hour and he ended up getting stuck. They told he that he swallowed the meconium but that it was normal and he was gonna be fine. I honestly don’t remember much because of the meds. They told me we needed to do an emergency c section but the room wasn’t ready so we waited about 30 minutes before they took me back. When they cut me open they saw that his shoulder was stuck. It hurt so bad so they gave me more meds without me knowing and it knocked me out. My husband said that it took a while for the doctors to get him to cry and that I was bleeding extremely bad. He was born at 12:42 am I didn’t get back into the room until 4:14 am. I was told later on that I had to get a liter of blood because of how much I lost. Around 5pm he stopped eating. We informed the nurse that we couldn’t get him to eat anything and we asked if we could try a bottle. She told us that it was normal for babies to not eat much their first 24hrs of life and not to worry. Well by 9pm he still hasn’t ate anything and so I told the nurse again and she told me he was fine and I told her I wasn’t asking for a bottle I was telling her to get one. She seemed irritated but got us the bottle. We tried for about a hour to feed him and the nurse came in and I asked if she could see if he would eat for her. She tried for like ten minutes and said he drank some and I asked how much and she said a couple of drops. I was super irritated. Earlier in the day I recorded a video of him blinking a lot and sent it to my family because I thought it was a cute video. My nana told me I need to show the doctor because that wasn’t supposed to happen. I showed the doctor and he said that babies do that and since it wasn’t fast blinking nothing was wrong. Well fast forward to about 12 am of the 19th and he still won’t eat and he keep blinking a ton. A different nurse comes in and said that it was time for his first bath. I told her about him not eating and what the other nurse said and she looked worried and tried to get him to eat but he wouldn’t. She went to get another nurse and some more stuff while my husband helped me to the bathroom. I come back and there is two nurses with my son and they say his body temp is low and for us to try skin to skin. After 20 minutes of that he was still cold. They put him under the heart lamp and get a doctor. Ten minutes later there are three nurses and two doctors huddled over in the corner with my son. They aren’t saying anything to us and nurses keep running in and out. One of the doctors walk over to us and ask about the video. I show him and he says that my son is having seizures. My heart broke. They said that they have to hook him up in a different location to run some tests. About a hour later they said that he had to get flown to a different hospital because they don’t have the equipment to deal with this. The closest one was 5 hrs away. Because I had a c section I would not be able to go with him. My husband had to drive there and meet him there. It was the middle of the night and I couldn’t get any family to answer so I spent the rest of the night alone in my hospital room. It was the most heartbreaking thing. Two days later I was able to go to my baby and husband. I could still barely walk but I was damned and determined to see my baby. When we got there he was in the NICU hooked up to all these wires and tubes. All I could do was cry. After a hard and long two weeks my baby was doing better and we were discharged. He had his next neurology appointment on March 3rd. His medication is working and we are slowly working to get him off his meds and being seizure free!!