Could i be experiencing implantation

kesha • Twin Mommy 3.14.20 Audri & 👼🏽Aubri(3.24.20) |1/04/14💏 |one furbaby|PCOS

Im on CD 20.. i have a 32 day cycle.. i had sex CD 15.. this would be my second pregnancy first time was with twins .. gave birth at 29 weeks one passed 10 days later..

I have been feeling off since having sex.. i decided to take a test this morning.. test have faint pink line .. i took a digital it said no.. since i have had pinching a little bit of cramping and i wiped and seen this brown string like mucus .. its been an hour and nothing else.. is it possible i ovulated cd 15.. and now the egg is implanting.. i also have pcos and had to get pregnant through clomid (5 rounds) . This is a new partner so im shocked if it happened this fast.. 😩

Could i be pregnant? Or should i wait !!