TTC Journey


Hi! I’m on here to share my story. I’m 22 years old and I have a 3 year old daughter , we decided to try for baby #2 so in November if 2021 I took my iud out which was embedded and had to be surgically removed. So after that I waited for my period to come back to normal and then March of 2022 I was prescribed provera to cause a withdrawal bleed and then I bled for 7 days the most heavy period and painful one I’ve ever had. So then I didn’t get pregnant after that cycle so then I waited to see if my period comes and I didn’t have any period April or May; so then June comes and I get this spotting and then it turned into what I thought was my period until I realized something was off by day 6 of the cycle because of the tissue and the big clots I was having. Then Sunday night I was at my mother in laws and we ordered pizza to eat with everyone and I stood up and all I could feel was the urge to push and when I went to the bathroom some bug clot came out and it wasn’t a blood clot it looked like a sac which come to find out it was, I was about 5 weeks pregnant and didn’t even know , didn’t have any symptoms, no period for 2 month and definitely no pregnancy symptoms. And here we are now in 2023 and was prescribed provera from February- April and then they gave me clomid for cycle day 5-9 to take and now I’m just overwhelmed because idk if want another kid this journey has been nothing but hart aches and tears and I just want to give up. 😭😭