Night sleeping!


Hi my girl is almost 2 months on Tuesday and weve had trouble sleeping at night , she wakes up every 2 hours to feed and it takes forever to get her to fall sleep even with a routine and she hates swaddled but last night I ( hopefully ) found the trick! We did our routine, bath,lotion, put on a cozy sleeper , and I also play a lullaby on the tv with the brightness down and fed her 4oz bottle and then even tho she hates it i swaddled her because I came to realize her hands is the reason she wakes up lol, anyways I put her in the bassinet after she fell asleep while rocking her and I put the shirt I was wearing all day over her and the swaddle and she literally slept for 7 hours straight for the first time since birth !!!! And then after she fed fell back asleep for another 3 hours. And we did it again tonight and so far so good!!! If your having trouble maybe try this out :)) I hope this is the new thing with her I’ll gladly give her my shirt everynight lol’