Breastfeeding and sleep over

S gave birth on 4/15/22 to my baby girl

I’m reposting again because my SO brought up the subject again and my feelings on the subject has not change. fYI my daughter is social when we get around family members despite spending most of her time with her dad and I (mostly me) he’s in the home but doesn’t spend that much time with her unless I ask, so I really don’t see his logic. Original post: So my daughter just turned 1 a week ago and my fiancé thinks that she needs to start spending the night at family members houses and I disagree I don’t want her spending the night till I’m done breastfeeding my plan has always been to do so till she’s 2 and he knew that from the get go. My daughter doesn’t take a bottle and wakes up during the night to feed.secondly God forbid if anything happens to her I want her to be able to articulate and tell me and at this stage that’s not possible. He thinks I’m putting my hang ups on her (I was molested) it’s not a hang up to me I’m protecting my child. I never thought in a million years that a family member would hurt me. He’s under the belief that his family is perfect and would never cross that line. Monsters hide very well in plain sight and 9 out of 10 it’s usually someone you know because it’s easy prey and they’re familiar with the victim so the trust is already there. What do you mamas think?