Head shaking


Hi everyone! I can’t believe our littles are growing so quickly. Question- does anyone else’s little shake their head back and forth a lot ??

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Yes, it's common for babies to shake their heads back and forth, especially when they are excited or trying to soothe themselves. As long as your baby is not showing any signs of discomfort or pain, it's nothing to worry about. Enjoy watching your little one grow and explore the world around them!


Posted at
My one twin was doing it last month. It was super cute to be honest but now has stopped. Completely normal though :)


Jessica • Apr 26, 2023
Oh my gosh! Yes! The smiles. I would try to shake my head with her and it would make me dizzy. I don’t know how they do it so fast lol


Tara • Apr 26, 2023
Only one of my twins did this too lol she would shake her head and then smile super big each time 😆


Posted at
Yes my little one does it when he’s excited or playing/copying his sister 🥰


Posted at
Yes definitely!!! She does this to self soothe or if she gets excited


Posted at
Yes!! Every now and then she will turn her head from side to side really quickly. From what I’ve been told it’s just them exploring their body, self regulating and playing around. I was told that if it persists for a long period of time to discourage it and ask a medical professional if it’s concerning you