2weeks postpartum! Tearing


Hi I’m 2 weeks postpartum and I tore in 2 spots and got 2 stitches

One of my stitches came out a couple days after birth which I thought was a little strange. I decided to take a look and noticed it did not heal the one tear and it looks like I have a nice bite taken out of my coochie. Should I be concerned.

I had a midwife.

I honestly don’t see a problem with where the tear was and I’m not worried about how it looks just wondering if it was midwife’s fault with how early it came out.

Wondering if it was sutured correctly or not, the second stitch it still going strong as it’s a little bit more deeper.

Believe it was a second degree tear not to sure.

I was doubted quite a bit by my midwife. Telling me my water didn’t break and that I wasn’t in labour, was gonna send me home in active labour.

Made her check me and after she checked me I jumped to 9cm and then she believed me right after I told her I needed to push.