What’s the scariest pregnancy/birth horror story you’ve heard?

Shelly • 19 • he/they • autism and bpd • 26/5/21 💞

I’m 19 and not planning on having kids anytime soon. Also I advise you to not look ahead if you’re pregnant in case it worries you. Most of the time pregnancy and birth go completely fine and there’s nothing to worry about!

The scariest one I heard was my mums. She only had one child and I think I know why.

My mum was 28 when I was born. It was 6pm on a Wednesday night and she felt like having a poop, which turned out to be the first signs of labour. She went to hospital and I was born at 6am that Thursday, so a relatively quick birth but not so easy.

My mum was not allowed to get an epidural because the doctors found a curve in her spine which she had no idea about throughout pregnancy. Every 30 minutes she was told she’d need to have a c section but they didn’t stick to their promise.

My mum was on gas and air, and she kept puffing on it even when she ran it out. She said it didn’t help and she remembers the pain. She had to have a few stitches and she pooped a lot in the process too.

When I was starting to come out it was obvious I had a giant head. I also had the umbilical cord wrapped around my neck so I had to be born via ventouse, which is like a giant clamp.

In the end my mum and I were totally fine. She only had a 12 hour labour and birth in total and the pain was totally worth it in the end :)