Help, my sons only almost 8 months old!!

Henaci • 19 & Engaged. Lil man is 7 months old!! Stockton & Henaci Sometimes past don’t matter if they brighten up future!💕 Juice WRLD

So on Monday I took a pregnancy test, I was on my period but I just started throwing up out of nowhere, the way I did when I was pregnant with my son. He’s only almost 8 months old. When I took the test and looked I didn’t have an exact timer so I’m not sure if I actually did wait the 5 mins or not, well, it was negative when I looked. This morning I went to take another one, but didn’t have to pee yet, I was up with my son at 2:30 that’s the last thing I was thinking about. It’s now 5:07. Anyways. I looked at the one I took on Monday and there’s now I small line. The first picture is on Monday and the second one is this morning.

I’ll be happy either way this goes but idk if I can handle 2 under 2

I will be testing again today, I just don’t have to her lmao