Am I sensitive or is my friend a bad friend?


So I’m in my last semester in college and we’re in our review classes in preparation for the board exam. I’m not doing so well compared to some of my classmates and I’m always the lowest in our circle. I wasn’t able to take the midterms exams together with my classmates because I got sick so when I got back to school, the day before I take the exam, my friends were discussing the midterm exam. My other friend said “let’s stop talking about the exam because there’s still someone who hasn’t take it (referring to me)” and my other friend said “that’s okay bc she needs to catch up, real talk” and she kept on telling me what to study and all and said “catch up already” in a very condescending way.

I would really appreciate it if she was saying it in a concerned way but it did not come off as that. I don’t understand why she should say that when I am well aware that I’m not doing that well in my studies.

I don’t even know if I’m just being sensitive or she was just being a bad friend.