Tips for FET ❤️

A🤍 • Survivor of 8 miscarriages & 2 ectopic pregnancies ❤️

Hello everyone , looking for some

Tips and tricks to help implantation and any advice for recurring losses. Iv been tested for blood clotting disorders , chromosome issues and thyroid function. All came back negative which is great. I have secondary infertility due to contraception after DS (10) was born , Iv suffered 8 chemicals ( never making it past 5.3 weeks ) and 2 ectopics in the same tube (9 w and 7 w). They have checked for hydrosalpix ( blocked tube ) as i didn’t lose my tube due to having covid and them not wanting to put me under anaesthesia. no signs of hydrosalpix either. So I feel my chances are good but I would love to hear success stories and what you did before , during and after <a href="">ivf</a> to help.

My embryos where frozen on day 6 and where developing “extremely well” they told me. I’m 29 and really want this to work. Praying for baby number 2 x

Thank you ❤️