NIPT Negative. History of T21. NFT Large

Kaitlyn • Married 💍 5 Kids🧸 23💖 Winnipeg👼🏻 Malcolm🌈 Enzo🍯 Rayne👼🏻 Due January 2025🌈🤰🏻 #downsyndromeawareness💛💙 #breastfeedingmama🤱🏻

My first pregnancy ended in loss with the only explanation being Trisomy 21. I did not have a NIPT done with my first because I would’ve had to pay out of pocket & I would’ve loved my baby no matter what. I had a baby boy last year with no chromosomal anomalies. I got pregnant again at 5-6 months PP. I have had an “off” feeling since I got pregnant. I went in for an early ultrasound at 8 weeks. At that point, pretty much nothing can be measured accurately including NT. I requested another ultrasound 12-14 weeks, but was denied because they “already confirmed viability.” I waited until 13 weeks to get the NIPT done hoping for the most accurate results. I received a negative result for everything based off of 4.00% fetal fraction. I got my 2nd trimester ultrasound yesterday. I was told everything looked fine. I got results through my app at around 5:15pm stating that I was now high risk & that the baby is at significant risk of Down Syndrome. I checked for other markers. His feet, hands, heart, & a couple other things were either “not visualized,” which hopefully means not pictured, or things weren’t measured. Because of this, I am unsure if there are other markers present. I requested a Quad Screening & was told “no in case it contradicts the NIPT,” which is why I requested it. I spoke with genetics & was pretty much just told the same thing as I was by my Midwife. “Get the ultrasound in 2 weeks & go from there,” BUT she basically said that the NIPT is so accurate that they’ll only be looking at his heart for another marker, which makes no sense to me because I know that there is a list of other markers that could be present. I would love my baby the same with DS as I would without, but after a previous loss, it would make me feel better to know one way or the other so I’m mentally prepared for the reality of the increased risk. I made that clear to the genetic counselor & she told me that no matter what, there’s a 2-3% chance that the baby does have DS & they can’t role it out, especially because of the NFT measurement. Has anyone experienced a false negative on a NIPT or something similar? TIA💓

EDIT: I also want to add that this measurement was taken twice without being ordered because the ultrasound tech noticed it to be large, apparently. It was measured twice, reviewed by a doctor, my midwife, & a genetics specialist. All have concluded it is a fairly large measurement. This obviously does not mean baby 100% had DS, but I know that NIPT does not always show positive for Mosaic or Translocation DS, so I’m looking for specific stories from someone who has experienced a false negative on NIPT or received a diagnosis of large NFT (7mm or more). My measurement was 7.3mm at 19 weeks exactly.