Am I wrong?


So I am pregnant with twins going through baby names I decided to name my children after my husband. Well his mom named him after his dad who she hates dearly but I love my father in law. She have these crazy stories of how he is to abuse her and think everyone else should hate him for this matter. So this lady send me a message talking about if I name my son LeTony she wants nothing to do with him cause that’s a bad name. But if that’s the case they all carry this man last name, so I told her I don’t care what she went through with my father in law it was before me and none of my business. Also I’m naming him after his dad so that’s her miss out if she don’t want to be there because he share a name with his grandfather. My husband agrees with the name but says I’m being insensitive to her. I don’t feel like I’m wrong by not hating this man cause she does. And honestly feel from dealing with both of them that the mom started most of their fights. Am I wrong for not caring of her opinion bout my baby name?