Recent miscarriage, positive test



Had a miscarriage about five weeks ago, hcg was eleven last thursday, could this just still be from miscarriage or could I be pregnant again. My doctor said i could ovulate two weeks after bleeding from miscarriage so now I’m unsure! Has this ever happened to anyone?

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Could be either


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I got pregnant exactlly 5 weeks after miscarrige!! Keep testing i got blood work to confirm…


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I ovulated and conceived exactly two weeks after miscarrying and am currently pregnant almost 8 weeks! Such a blessing that I prayed non-stop for. Have a blood test to confirm your HCG levels and that’ll tell you everything you need to know.


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It could still be leftover because frer is so sensitive it can pick up very low levelsIt’s not super likely you’d have gone from 11 to 0 within a few days, then ovulated and implanted and had hcg start rising again all within about a weeks time. But it’s not impossible so test again in a few days. After my losses the lower my numbers were the longer it took to go down. With one of them my hcg was under 20 for 2 weeks before being 0 again So sorry for your loss ❤️


L. • May 20, 2023
You probably wouldn’t ovulate while hcg was present from the miscarriage so when they said it’s possible to ovulate 2 weeks after bleeding, that’s if your hcg returned to 0. In rare cases some may ovulate while hcg is low but not 0 but it isn’t likely. As long as hcg is present, typically the body won’t ovulate because you’re still “pregnant”


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If it was 11 last week, it may very well be leftover hcg


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Happened to me and it was left over hcg I was sad all over again


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Wait 2-3 days and retest that will either give your old HcG time to exit your body or the new HcG to double.