Feeling self-conscious

amy • 2 kids,1 angel baby,#3 on the way married 11 years

Long story short I had a baby in 2020 before being pregnant I was thick I was around 170 to 180 I was happy with my weight I had no problems I felt good, but then while being pregnant covid hit and I stayed in the house like everybody else and I gain so much weight over that time. Even though my daughter is about to be three this September it is really hard for me to come to the realization that I am 200 lb not only that im really short too im 5`0 feet I've never been this big and I'm feeling so self-conscious about my body on what I wear. I wear a lot of black or long sleeves shirts to cover my arms I don't wear shorts cuz I see my cellulite, and then within that time I was dealing with other health issues that I just continue to eat even more and I don't know how to feel beautiful again in this body or even where to start to lose anyway.