Periods and breastfeeding


So I have what I think is probably a dumb question so please be kind. I started my period after 8months of Breastfeeding. My daughter is eating more solids but she has had a bit of an issue with pooping and with eating the solids it’s making her strain more and understandably she’s upset and cries. So I started increasing breastfeeding more again so that she is drinking more liquids since she absolutely looses her mind when I try to give her a bottle. So I chug water and feed her.

Well I’m late 😑 I do take birth control, but the amount of BFing I’m doing is so much again. I was trying my hardest to get a schedule of solids and BFing going but I just feel like I’m giving myself whiplash. Is it possible that by doing this I delayed my period? Is this a normal thing to have a wonky period after having a baby? She’s not my first but I never BF my son, I pumped for 9months then dried up. I’m experiencing a lot of NEW things this time around so I have no idea what’s going on half the time lol