Someone please tell me what’s going on


Sunday, May 21 I began to spot, with cramps and heavy bleeding/clots on Wednesday the 24th. I was 5 weeks. It’s been 6 days of bleeding, I’ve accepted that I miscarried. This morning I took a pregnancy test to confirm that it was negative, so that when we start trying again, I’ll be able to trust that a positive is a new pregnancy. We have not had sex since, as I’ve been bleeding. How do I have a dye stealer this morning after almost a week of bleeding? I expected maybe a faint line if anything left, but it’s darker than it was the day I began to bleed. My pregnancy symptoms have all gone away? There’s no way I’m still pregnant after what has come out of me, how would I still have this much Hcg in me still? Anyone miscarry this early and still have positive test a week later? I’m so confused