teen pregnancy

hi everyone, i recently went on the pill and was under the impression that it was working, so i decided i would have sex without a condom just one time (dumb, i know). however, i am unsure if i did ovulate but i experienced the usual kind of ovulation discharge for two days in the middle of my pill pack and am now a week late from when the pills determined i should’ve gotten my period. i took an at home pregnancy test and it came back negative, however, if the pill really isn’t working and i am basing my cycle off of when i think i ovulated then it would have been way too early for the test to have accurate results. i am extremely anxious and although it is possible that i missed my period because of the pill, i doubt it due to the fact that i only started birth control around 3 months ago and i’m unsure as to whether that’s normal at this point. my mom has been very unhelpful and keeps telling me that i was dumb and now i should have to live with the anxiety, what should i do? i made an appointment with the gyno tomorrow to ask her about my period and get blood tested. i’m terrified that i am pregnant and i know that if i am i will not keep it since i am not able to take care of a child at the moment but i just don’t know if i can handle this. sorry for the long post. any words of advice?