My birth story


Went in for scheduled induction at 12am on 5/31, I was 1.5 cm and 60% effaced. Got first dose of cytotec at 2am and at 6am got my second dose of cytotec(didn’t check me). Started pitocin at 11am I was 2.5cm. Doctor was coming in to break my waters at lunch so I decided to ask for the epidural a little before that because I know that’s when it gets bad lol. Dr came in to place my epidural and my husband passed out cause he was feeling sick all day, I think he had a virus, but that part was scary. When they got him up and taken care of I finally got my epidural placed around 1pm and doctor broke my waters at 1:30pm, I was 3cm at that time. My mom came up to the hospital to be there for me since my husband was still feeling sick. By about 3:45pm I was feeling pressure and they called my doctor back up to the hospital. I wasn’t pushing but baby was pushing himself out. After one contraction I told the nurse that I felt his head and was sure he was going to come out in the next one without me even pushing at all. Doctor came in and I started pushing with the contractions but I pushed pretty easily and my body did most of the work. When I felt him crown I just continued to push until he was out, which wasn’t long at all. Baby boy was born at 4:19pm! Weighing 8 lbs even

20 1/4 inches long

This is Myles

Also, my best advice to the ladies who are going to have a baby soon, when it comes to pushing let your body do the work and push gentle and calm, don’t strain(idk if that makes since) but don’t try to push baby out all at once, take your time with it cause baby will come.