Stomach bug idk


Woke up w a horrible stomach ache, went straight to the bathroom and had diarrhea. Went into work felt really dehydrated so I had some water, threw up really bad but just thought maybe I just have a stomach ache, kept throwing up and felt very weak. My SO decided maybe we should get some pho, on the ride there I had the chills and felt so cold in 80degree weather, was scared to eat so I sipped on some water and sprite and threw that up while having some stomach aches, went home still having the chills, took a nap and woke up again with diarrhea and a fever of 103.5. I still feel baby move but after speaking to the er nurse she suggested to come in the er and get some iv 😢. My daughter is home and I have to drive myself to the er 45 mins away while my SO watches her and I just feel so lonely and sick. I just wish my mom lived closer or someone could come with me. This truly sucks I just my baby is ok