Maybe I'll make it clear


Okay today I'm currently on cycle day 37. I never have gotten this far without any period. My last cycle was April 28-5/3or 5/4 those last two days were funny but me and my boyfriend did have sex. He went away for a well or two and he came back 5/18 we had sex the night early 5/19. Then I believe the after also I placed my nuvaring in 5/21 my cycle was due on the 23 according to my calendar once I was finally able to log it says I was already 7 days late. I've been cramping in my abdomen, Boob pain, very bad mood swings,heartburn, migraine, back pain, cervix pain just alot but my cycle still haven't come I took my ring out to day trying to see if it will come but according to my calendar I'm back in my fertility stage. What could've happen?