Heat rash on my baby?


My 1 year old has a lot of skin issues when we first brought her home from the hospital the first few months her skin was peeling all over and once that went away she developed red patches all over her legs which we later found out is eczema well I lifted up her shirt to change it because she got it all dirty with food and I noticed all these red little spots it’s not eczema because it’s not dry or patchy it’s just like red spots we were out alot today and it was 80 degrees out to me she never felt sweaty or hot but maby she was and I just couldn’t feel it I’m not sure does this look like heat rash? I just put some hydrocortisone on it just incase it’s itchy since obviously she can’t tell me if it is or not she’s just my first baby and I’ve been around other baby’s before but I’ve never met a kid with this sensitive of skin before and I also don’t no what heat rash looks like