Bbt charting please help


So I began bleeding 5/9 I passed the baby 5/10 (7w3d) very natural no hard pain . I bleed for 7 days and after that I was clear to have sex . I’ve been having sex I began to get negative test the third week .. so I knew I was clear here we are 5 weeks via my MC and I’m just confused on when will I get my MP . I’ve been keeping up with my FF BBT chart and on one settling (advanced) it said I ovulated and was suppose to expect my period a few days ago if I changed it to the FAM setting it says I’m 9DPO . I have 5 children and always came on my next cycle 4-5 weeks later after delivering them . I’ve been trying b/c I was cleared I could .. any advice on when I ovulated I love the bbt charting it helps me tone into my body alot better . Here’s my chart girlies help me 😣 I need advice or should I just wait the entire 8 weeks