Bedtime Schedule


Unfortunately our baby’s sleep schedule has been thrown way off but I will admit it’s my fault! I’m pregnant & I have randomly started to sleep all day recently so I haven’t enforced bedtime at all. I put her down tonight and she was screaming to the top of her lungs, never heard her do that before so I thought maybe something was in her crib but literally nothing and she stopped immediately when I picked her up. She’s starting to take her naps later aswell. Any advice on getting her to sleep without her having to cry it out first? Another thing I will say, dad has been working overnight for the past 2 weeks & I let her sleep with me which is another fault of mine so I need help with her sleeping in her own bed and getting to sleep without crying it out. Please offer advice or share your experiences! I would like to get some structure before the new baby gets here in September 🥺 she’s 8 months btw