Clingy baby sleep tips


My daughter is newly 8 months old and for the past 2-3 weeks my husband has been kicked out to the couch when he’s home at night because she’s in bed with me. I haven’t slept more than 3-4 hours and I’m exhausted😅

Absolutely nothing has been working with even getting her to stay asleep for the transition to the crib, in fact, she’s waking up more often in the night than she did as a newborn. She just popped three teeth in the past couple weeks and there’s one more working its way through, she’s also in a leap right now according to the wonder weeks app, so there’s a lot going on. I get that. I’ve also heard of the 8m sleep regression but this is insaaaane.

She’s never been a great sleeper, 3-4 wakes/night at minimum. She was doing good at napping in the crib but we’re back to contact naps only. She nurses to sleep and I’m trying so hard to break that habit but it’s not happening. Really she just wants to be held or right next to one of us at all times, even when awake. I have briefly attempted very gentle sleep training and she still screams until she’s red in the face. I just can’t do it, her cries make me feel absolutely sick inside.

What we’re doing right now: following sleepy cues, still takes 3 naps and definitely not ready to go down to 2. Bedtime at 10pm (it’s the schedule that makes the most sense for our family.) Bedtime routine is bath, massage, book, nursing (tried putting it at the start but she still won’t sleep unless she’s on the boob) sleep. Room is 69/70 degrees, white noise, very dim red light, ceiling fan circulating air.

I’m open to trying just about anything as long as she’s not crying because I swear it makes my bones hurt and my heart pound out of my chest.