First time mum looking for advice


Sorry for the long post, I'm a first time mum and looking for some advice. Our little one is 9months next week. He has transitioned to a 2 nap day for about a month now and at the start his night time wakenings greatly improved (looking back I think we needed to transition sooner) he was going down between 6.15pm - 6.45pm and waking about 6.30am - 6.45am with 1 sometimes 2 feeds during the night. The past week he has been waking more in the night sometimes for about an hr. After reading about the 8 month regression it said in some cases you can see longer naps with less night time sleep. This seems to be our cases as he's waking more over night and consistently waking about 6am. His day time sleep is around 2hrs 45m - 3hrs with nap lengths between 1hr - 1hr 30m.  Has anyone been in a similar situation before and reduced day time naps and it has improved the wakenings and early rising? I know his early rising could be due to going to bed early but he isn't ready to extend to awake window yet which results in an early bedtime.